Here is all that’s happening this week at YLSDA!
You can find our worship program, our Bloom and Caterpillar schedule, and our upcoming events
Quarter 1 sermon series, “Mitabek”
Open the Eyes of my heart
Heart of Worship
He Knows my name
Sermon: Pastor Isaac Lee
“Five Thousand”
Beginner: Teacher Angie
Kinder/1st: Teacher Karen
Primary: Teacher TBD
Squad 456: Teacher Ruth
Youth: Pastor Isaac
Worship (11:30am):
Caterpillar: Teacher Maria
Bloom: Coach Ghesi
There is a Hebrew saying: hevei mitabek b’afar raglehem. It is literally translated as “be covered in the dust of their feet”. If we call ourselves His disciples, what does it mean to be covered in the dust of HIS feet?
This quarter, we will learn from Jesus, do what Jesus did, become like Jesus.
Let’s follow so closely behind Jesus that we are covered in the dust of His feet.
Explore the ongoing ministries in our church.
Fill out your connect card, join us in prayer, or make a gift.